
Showing posts from August, 2014

Politics as a career option

I know. The title itself raises some questions. Politics is not a career. It's a service. Right? How many of us think so? Let's be practical, It is a career and it is may be one of the highest paying line of work in India. If that is true then why such a huge amount of teenagers are studying to be engineers and doctors when the jobs they are going to get into won't even have a fraction of the pay scale that politics will give them? Not only money but the powers and perks a politician has are more than corporate giant. A politician is not only the one you vote for. If we count the number the employees currently employed in Indian politics, it may come into the top 3 employers in India. There are many levels of politicians, starting right from our neighborhood, going up to the big chair in New Delhi. As the level increases, the pay scale increases. It works similar to any corporate firm. Managers can easily relate to politicians. May be that's why I am writing this blog.

3 Challenges for NextGen India

Our PM, Mr. Narendra Modi gave the Independence day speech from The Red Fort. He spoke about women empowerment, Poverty, make in India and many other issues. The focus was on macro level strategies to be implemented for a better future. Such kind of strategy is his responsibility . But we are facing some issues on a very micro level which is deteriorating the strength of our nation. These issues today may seem very minute or manageable, but after a few decades they may take a gigantic piece out of our strength and development. There is something very wrong going on at a very micro level i.e. individual level. These I have termed as the challenges that may come in front of the NextGen India i.e. India in 2020-2030. There are many such issues but we will discuss only 3.  1. Brain Drain : The term is not new. Brain drain is the phenomenon to human capital's movement from it's home country to foreign country in search of better education, job opportunity or some other reason. So,

The small city

Most of us think that India is divided in two parts, rural and urban, but it is much more complex than that. There are various levels between a village and a city. A city is generally which provides it's residents with all the facilities needed to lead a desired life. These facilities are not only infrastructural or tangible provisions but are also supporting measures like job opportunities, healthcare facilities, schooling options for kids, better recreational options, etc. It is very easy for a big city guy to ignore this things but when a village or small city friend visits him, these are the things that light up his eyes.  Now, what is a small city? What I feel about small cities is, they are like a student who is average in studies. He is loaded with expectations of getting into the topper's group and at the same time has the pressure of sliding into the lower class. I know the comparison is a little unorthodox but for an average student like me, it is perfect. Getti