
Showing posts from June, 2015

The Great Indian Garbage

A lot has been said and done about the garbage ( Kachra in Hindi ) problem of India. By garbage I don't just mean the household garbage bin but domestic and public hygiene problem. This blog is about my personal views on the matter and presents the situation as a commoner. I don't think there is any human being alive or dead who likes garbage. Garbage is a problem and most of us run away from it like every other problem, rather than tackling it. Very few try to find a solution to it. The basic reason behind this kind of attitude is the filth that is associated with garbage. Nobody wants to get there hands dirty or wants a foul smell around them. This nature of human is justified but we are only responsible for this filth and smell. How can we just throw away the waste and don't care about what happens next or this affects u. Just throwing away the garbage is not the solution. The aim should be garbage reduction rather than just getting rid of it. You might clean your hous

One hell of a tour

 "I will hold the rains for you tomorrow", said the old man sitting beside me. I was stunned by his claim, but I definitely wished that his claims come true. I was sitting in the rain, in front of a Gurudwara in Chumthang village of north Sikkim. The old man was the owner of a small grocery shop, and was advising tourists, not to go forward and spend the night in Chumthang.  I was not alone. About 300 tourists were stuck in between two landslides and were spending the night in the Gurudwara with us. A few months ago, my dad called me up and said,"I am retiring this year son, lets go on a tour to Kerala before that." That's it. I began to research about Kerala, the weather, suitable visiting season, must go places there and all those things. It all went into waste when mom called and said,"Kerala is too hot in summer, lets go to Gangtok." Nobody dared to challenge her and so, the research started again. Soon, flight bookings were done, hotel bookings