
Showing posts from March, 2021

Moon and Ocean

At the beginning there was just an ocean and a moon. They spent days just looking at each other, admiring each other. The Moon would say, 'Ocean, you are so clear and calm', to which ocean would reply, 'it is because your of your soothing blue glare'. They loved each other. They were perfect for each other, one moon for one ocean and one ocean for one moon. But, they could never meet, just admire each other from what seemed to be an infinite distance. Days became weeks, weeks became years. Ocean started feeling lonely on Earth. She pleaded to the God, to let her meet the moon. God understood her problem but could not agree. She again pleaded and said,'I don't want to alone anymore.' God sighed and suggested a solution. Ocean thought for some time and agreed.  The next night, when moon caught a glimpse of ocean, he could not recognise her. There was another ocean on Earth with land in between them. God divided the ocean in two and the ocean was no