
Showing posts from October, 2023

Don, Kabini & Copper

  Kabini and her 2 lioness sisters, Rohini & Meher have been on the run for more than 3 months now. Kabini was the middle sister, Rohini being the eldest. Even though she was not eldest, she was the strongest and smartest of the three sisters. This made Kabini leader of the pack. Meher, the third sister had 2 daughters and Rohini, the eldest sister had a son, Copper. Kabini was childless, thus she was extra fond of Meher's two daughters. But for Copper, she was a strict mentor who taught him hunting strategies and duty of protecting the pack. Copper was a strong young adult and only Lion of the pack. He was not fully grown but his Mane was getting thicker and darker every day. With Kabini he had fought with wild dogs, Hyenas and other pack of lions. Copper had a strong bond with Kabini, stronger than his own mother, Rohini. Kabini’s mother was also part of the pack but she was killed 3 months ago by Don, an adult Lion. About a year ago, Don was part of another big pack wher