
Showing posts from April, 2014

Comfort zone

Comfort zone, an area of activity in which a person is comfortable. As the definition says, it is definitely the area in which everyone will like to be in. But, don't not have every speaker and almost every write urges on getting out of the comfort. Why would anyone want to be an uncomfortable zone.Who likes to be putted off and tested every moment. Getting out comfort zone has became such a big deal that being in your comfort zone feels like a crime. Last week was very memorable for most of my college mates. We had a very important presentation to be presented in front of whom you can call the most criticizing professor on the face this earth. The whole college was preparing for these presentations for over a week. But, even after preparing for nights & days, at the time of presentation each one of us was put off and out their comfort zone due to the reputation of the professor. Not just the presentation but even while preparing the presentation we were under a lot of pressu

The 3rs Ice Cream

A week before, I was invited by a very good friend of mine to his hometown. He had started an Ice Cream Company in his hometown where he produced as well as sold the Ice cream through a shop attached to the production facility. As I am a MBA marketing student, the friend asked me to help him in marketing the Ice Cream. I was more than happy to help as it was a great learning opportunity for me given the first hand experience.                   First we started preparing for the inauguration of the shop which was scheduled in the evening. A lot of work was done like setting up the shop, flex printing, arrangements for guests, arranging waiters for the inauguration, etc. Once these things were done we started for the marketing trip we were thinking of. The basic objective of the trip was to cover few  villages around and getting some orders for the ice cream. In the hot sunny day we reached the first village which was around 20km away. There we first met with a travel cum ice cream d