Comfort zone

Comfort zone, an area of activity in which a person is comfortable. As the definition says, it is definitely the area in which everyone will like to be in. But, don't not have every speaker and almost every write urges on getting out of the comfort. Why would anyone want to be an uncomfortable zone.Who likes to be putted off and tested every moment. Getting out comfort zone has became such a big deal that being in your comfort zone feels like a crime.

Last week was very memorable for most of my college mates. We had a very important presentation to be presented in front of whom you can call the most criticizing professor on the face this earth. The whole college was preparing for these presentations for over a week. But, even after preparing for nights & days, at the time of presentation each one of us was put off and out their comfort zone due to the reputation of the professor. Not just the presentation but even while preparing the presentation we were under a lot of pressure and it was very stressful. Most of the groups stayed up all night for almost all nights of that week. All because of a small presentation.

I really don't believe in this getting out of the comfort zone theory. I think it makes life very stressful and constrained. I say constrained because when you are out for your comfort zone you tend to follow others, what others have being doing in such situations and even sometimes you get off the right path to achieve the goal. Yes, getting out of comfort zone can teach you many things and help you grow tremendously but this can be achieved without the stress by expanding your comfort zone towards what you like to do. It is seen that when we experiment in the area we like or are comfortable in, people tend to exceed exponentially. On the contradictory, when a person is out of his comfort zone the chances of failure are very high. Also the achievement to stress ratio is very low.

All I wont to say is, staying in comfort zone and growing is easier than getting out of it and putting yourself under stress. The stress level in our lives is already high. Let's not take it to a level where the stress would drive our life. Do what you like, do what you are good at, try what you want to. New things are to be explored not told to be done.

Lets make it Comfort zone expansion rather than getting out of it.   


Unknown said…
bro..just loved ur thoughts...specially the last line...keep it up...wish to read ur futher posts.. ;)
AmeyKul said…
very nice ending.... and very powerful thought about expanding comform zone.. but i dont agree that getting out of comfort zone will always give you stress. you people were preparing for your presentation- stretching yourself was one kind of activity, but i dont think always you will feel stressed when out of comfort zone. In our day to day life we face many situations which require us to get out of our comfort zone and perform some task, but we do not end up having stress every time.

What i belive/ think is similar to your last line, that when you get out of your comfort zone, you try to acclimatize to your uncomfertable zone and make it as your comfort zone. So when you attempt same activity for second time you are now getting out of your comfort zone but you are moving from one comfort zone to another i.e. what you rightfully said as expansion of your comfort zone...

loved your post..keep posting.

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