
Showing posts from October, 2014

Role of an Entrepreneur

Mobile apps and websites are the leading types of new enterprise being established in today's world. A company gets big just by launching a super effective mobile app or by developing a service website that appeals to a million customers. Most of these apps and websites are luxury services. Luxury in a sense that they aim to make your life simple and less hardworking. Thus people are making money by making others lazy or technology dependent. Yes, life should be simple and easy. But people are getting obsessed with this idea are forgetting some real problems.  The main role of an entrepreneur is problem solving. An entrepreneur is supposed to disrupt the society for it's betterment. His/her role is not only economical but societal. As rightly said by one of my friends, the future of India will be decided by the generation of entrepreneurs it will produce now. I am not saying that we were lacking in the entrepreneurial sense, but we are lacking in the spirit. All we are tr