Role of an Entrepreneur

Mobile apps and websites are the leading types of new enterprise being established in today's world. A company gets big just by launching a super effective mobile app or by developing a service website that appeals to a million customers. Most of these apps and websites are luxury services. Luxury in a sense that they aim to make your life simple and less hardworking. Thus people are making money by making others lazy or technology dependent. Yes, life should be simple and easy. But people are getting obsessed with this idea are forgetting some real problems. 

The main role of an entrepreneur is problem solving. An entrepreneur is supposed to disrupt the society for it's betterment. His/her role is not only economical but societal. As rightly said by one of my friends, the future of India will be decided by the generation of entrepreneurs it will produce now. I am not saying that we were lacking in the entrepreneurial sense, but we are lacking in the spirit. All we are trying to do is earn quick money, which is a very bad business model. We are betting on technology which changes every second and thus making us vulnerable to total obsolescence. 

What an entrepreneur should try to do is identify problems and provide solutions for them. These problem can be either household or industrial. How many startups do we see in waste management or education or employment? All we are trying to do is simplify something for someone which is already very much easy. We should turn our attention to something that is really difficult and will change to course of our country. We could invent something that will solve the nutrition problem in rural areas or in the field of generic medicines or someone could do something for our defense systems. I am not saying that we should all start NGOs, wealth generation is the prime motive of an entrepreneur but it is not the only motive. Business has the strength to generate wealth as well as transform the country. 

Entrepreneurs should be the drivers of change in this generation of India. Enterprises formed today will write fate of next 50 years for India. Hence, we should think and act responsibly. Rather than aiming at creating short term wealth, we should strive for long term prosperity. In this time of fast changing world it is very difficult for any enterprise to sustain but, we will have to think and work hard, more than ever to build such businesses which will not only provide impulses of wealth but will do something that we will improve the very core of Indian society. 

Some might say that this is a job of social entrepreneur but, social entrepreneurship is not the only solution. Why should only some of us think about the society. Every entrepreneur should think about his contribution to the country's prosperity. Every enterprise should work for a healthy and wealthy country. We don't need to do anything special for this, just think what business you are doing or want to do and it's impact on the society. You will get the answer of what needs to be done.

I am not complaining about the current entrepreneurial trend in India, I am just not satisfied by it. Rather than making life more luxurious for some, let's make it livable for many.             


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