Sarah & Peter

You know God has a 1000 sons. One day he decided to send his youngest son Peter on earth to check up on humans. Peter being a curious one accepted gladly and came on Earth. On Earth, the very first human he met was a beautiful girl, Sarah. He introduced himself as a lost and hungry stranger from a far away place. Sarah took Peter to her home in the village. Sarah's drunk father frowned on Sarah's request to let Peter have a meal with them and threw Peter out on the street. Being a god, Peter did not understand as he could not feel the same way as a human. Sarah knew Peter was hungry and on the street. She saved some bread for him from her dinner. Once it was dark and her father was asleep, Sarah snuck out and found Peter sleeping under a tree. Sarah woke him up and gave him food. Peter still couldn't understand, how one human could be so different from another when they were made the same by his father. He told Sarah the truth about he being a god and asked why she was not like her father. She couldn't answer. Peter knew, to understand this he needed to feel. He went back to his father in heaven that night and asked him to give him the power to feel. Sarah also came back, but to find her father awake. He was furious.

In heaven, God laughed at Peter and said that to feel is not a power but weakness. Peter insisted. God said that to feel, Peter will have to become human and he could no longer be a God. Peter agreed without hesitation. Sarah started crying, told her father the truth that Peter was a god and begged her father to let it be. But he was not going to let it go. He stepped out to find Peter and confront him as he believed he was a fraud who tried to woo her daughter. Peter returned to earth and for the first time he could feel. He felt overwhelmed and ran to Sarah's house. Sarah looked at him with her teary eyes, he felt the love in her eyes. A warm drop of tear trickled down his cheek and he wondered what was this feeling. As he took a step towards her, a sharp long knife pierced his back. He could feel the pain, he turned. It was Sarah's father. In his anger, Sarah's father decided to test if Peter was really a god. Peter fell down in front of Sarah. He was confused, what was happening, what was this feeling. Sarah's heart sunk, she could not believe what her father has done but at the same time she felt betrayed as she thought Peter lied about being a god. Sarah's father ran away. Peter could not understand that he was dying. Sarah held him in her arms and to comfort him she said that it will be okay. Peter was still confused with so many emotions, fear, compassion, anger, love. He could now understand why his father said it was a weakness and not power.


Pratik said…
Beautiful start.

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