Luxury of criticism

Criticism is generally of two types, positive and negative. But this definition is only limited to the way it is intended. The effect though of any criticism is almost the same in both cases, which is sadness, feeling low, depression, some might even feel agitated, even rage at some extent. Criticism normally puts the criticized off balance. This shows that criticism might not hold great value for the criticizer but effects immensely to the criticized, however small the criticism might be. Thus, we can call criticism as a luxury for the criticizer where a very little prize is paid by him/her. I am calling it a luxury for one more reason; the act of criticism is enjoyed by most of the critics. The authority to criticize generally gives them a sense of power over the criticized.
The point I want to make here is the current ratio of appreciations to criticism around the world is dropping at a very huge rate. Let’s not get into the state where the criticism will be done, just for the purpose of entertainment. We currently live in a world where ‘good job’ is said when you have done an excellent or exceptional job, I am not saying that we should start congratulating a person on every small achievement, but we should understand the importance of appreciation and also the power of criticism. In today’s world the general groups of people who have authority to criticize are teachers, interviewers, employers, bosses, media, parents, relatives etc. and the criticized would be students, employee, organizations, government, any individual. It is important to understand that this individual/organization that is being criticized is not the end of the cycle here. For ex, a student might become a teacher in the future and could behave in the similar manner, a criticized govt. might take harsh decisions ultimately affecting the critic. As one can see, what goes around does come back.    
Criticism is a very sensitive tool and should be handled carefully.  Someone’s few words can destruct ego, confidence, self-respect, peace of mind for as long as years of someone’s life. A criticism free world is not possible, as friction is required if you want to climb a mountain. But the friction should not be so large that instead of climbing up, you start falling down. A way to tackle this is taking the pride in appreciating others work. People tend to ignore the influence of both, appreciations and criticisms. Appreciation, which should be done frequently, is done occasionally and criticism, which should be done occasionally, is done, more than frequently.

There is another aspect to criticism, how it is received? People always say they take criticism constructively or critics always suggest taking their criticism positively and to not mind it, but in real life I don’t think many of us do this. Most of us either generate hatred for the critic and continue to do the way we do things or modify them in a such a way that we avoid criticism the next time or in extreme case, we quit doing it. In most of the cases, the criticism results in sour feelings. Yes, there are some who change themselves according to the criticism and move on. But it is a rare scenario. Most of the people think they belong to this category, but they don't, as deep down the discomfort is there. It is important to understand that criticism is not a universal opinion.It is the opinion of an individual or a few. 
Feeling bad about is natural but it is not the important thing, what you do about it, matters. Evaluation of criticism is the first thing that needs to be done. Rather than blindly following the critic try and find out, is the critic right. Take more opinions if needed, your's including. The most important thing is to follow your own heart. If it feels right, It is right.  
I am sure the person who coined the quote "words are more powerful than a sword" must have understood the strength of criticism. Criticism has a single point of impact and that is the life of the person criticized. 

Criticism might be the cheapest luxury around but it comes with a huge hidden cost, so let's stop enjoying it.    


Unknown said…
I completely agree with your point that criticism is a personal opinion; the criticized must understand this and react accordingly.
One more thing I would like to say is that according to me there exist two types’ criticizers
One who criticize just for the sake of criticizing and the other who make sense!
To criticize is not an easy job. To give an honest opinion risking the relationship with the person is no easy job. Only a well-wishers can do that. The criticized must be able to differentiate and take the real criticism in a positive way.
Pratik Rajurkar said…
Very true Harshad !!
Unknown said…
Very well written! U touched almost every aspect of it or related to criticism. Wow! Or gives a sense of a professional blogger!
Awesome dude!
Pratik Rajurkar said…
Thanks for the compliment Punit...but I am far behind professional bloggers like you !!

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