I know the title is a little techie but the concept is really simple. Before getting to the concept I would like to share my thoughts about what I have observed around me and how this concept came to my mind through that. Our world is full of inequalities, some deliberate and some forced on it. A rich guy lives in a house with 40 bedrooms and some families don't even have a 40 sq.ft. room for themselves. During rains some guy enjoys the newspaper in a BMW driven by a chauffeur, who is worried about the leak in the roof of his house. 50rs means a burger in McD for somebody and rice for a whole week, for someone else.

This inequality is not unfair but is cruel. The simple rule of our world is 'Survival of the fittest'. When we think about it, it's all about the resources that are available to us. Resources can be financial, physical or human. Some people enjoy larger amount of resources than other people. If these resource were equally available then this world would have been a perfect world. But that's just the ideal case. So, how do we bring the distribution of resources near to equal? The concept that I thought of was Universally Shared Resource Pool (USRP). The concept is completely theoretical and nowhere near implementation and thus has a lot of glitches. Please ignore them and try to get thought behind it.  

USRP can be a portal of information about resources that will be shared among-st everyone. This portal will facilitate the link between a person who wants to share his resource and the person who is need of that resource. I know the concept seems a little vague but it's application is very useful. For example, we see a lot of people travelling by car. Most of the time only one person travels in a car even though the capacity of utilization of the resource i.e the car is 5 or more. So, are we not wasting the resource that could be used by 4 or more people. One simple solution that is been implemented in today's world is car pooling. But the problem with car pooling is it's scope, which is very limited. People in close circle of the owner of car can only participate in car pooling. What USRP will provide is the unlimited scope of utilization of resource. One will be sharing the resource with the whole world. Anyone who needs a ride with similar destination or route can share the resource i.e the car. The resources that can be shared over USRP will also be huge and almost everything. To sight more examples:
  • Sharing the laptop when you are on vacation
  • Sharing the clothes that don't fit you anymore
  • Sharing your vacuum cleaner, which you use only once a month 
  • Sharing the extra space in your house
  • Sharing footwear that you are bored of 
  • Sharing of other's work when you are free
  • Sharing your farm when you are not cultivating anything
  • And many other shareables 
Most of the above sharing is going on already but we don't do it deliberately and is done on a very limited scale. Through USRP, we should achieve the willful sharing of resources on a very large scale. The dedicated use of resource not only leads to under utilization of the resource but also leaves a minimum amount of it for others to use. People generally don't have the tendency to share and this may be the biggest drawback of this concept but then, something is better than nothing. If we use the concept of exchange of resource, then may be the friction for sharing might reduce.

The motto of USRP is to make the resources available to those who are either deprived of it or can't afford it. A few days back I heard about a project started by some International University where they invited people to join a network through their pc's. People were asked to leave their pc's On while they were not using it. The capabilities of hundreds of such shared pc's (RAM and processor) were then accessed over the network and used to develop a high speed virtual computing device. USRP is similar to this concept. Instead of computers we will be sharing everything that can be shared or everything that we want to share. 

Everything in this world is limited. Through, USRP we can make it unlimited. 



Swapnil said…
great work Pratik.. love your creativity

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