
Showing posts from November, 2014

I will adopt

I have thought for a long time about this blog but I couldn't find words to justify my thoughts. But, I have decided to go ahead with it anyways as the idea is more important than the expression. The idea is, why not adopt? As simple as that. We have around 1000 registered orphanages in India with over an average 50 children in each one of them. That makes the total to be around 50.000 orphans in India and this is the number from only the registered orphanages. The unregistered or unofficial orphanages might be in another 1000s. The number of adoptions that happened in 2013-14 were only 3924 and the number is dipping each year. For stats: We consider children to be the gift of god but only when it's ours. That very thought is inhuman. There are hundreds of children coming to life each day and are dumped in an orphanage to suffer for the rest of their life. Orphanages in India are not financially strong to properly feed, educate or take care of each one of

Things that matter (Part 1)

This blog is about the things that I think matter in life. My opinion is personal and is based on the 25 years of experience of my life. Contradiction in opinions will be there, please share your thoughts in the comment box below. On my 25th birthday I didn't celebrate much. For most of time of the day I was thinking about the past 25 years and how my life has swirled here and there. All I could remember were the checkpoints like my school, my graduation days, my working days. All blurred, nothing specific. Yes, some days of my life I remember clearly like the day I got my first job or the day I quit it, but again these are all milestone days. What I am trying to say is that there was no path led out for me to follow. Yes,  I was guided, but momentarily to clear the next checkpoint. Life lessons are very important and hard to teach and learn. Thus, I would love to share what few things I have learnt in my 25 years.  1. Long term Vs Short term Decisions should be made by keeping