Things that matter (Part 1)

This blog is about the things that I think matter in life. My opinion is personal and is based on the 25 years of experience of my life. Contradiction in opinions will be there, please share your thoughts in the comment box below.

On my 25th birthday I didn't celebrate much. For most of time of the day I was thinking about the past 25 years and how my life has swirled here and there. All I could remember were the checkpoints like my school, my graduation days, my working days. All blurred, nothing specific. Yes, some days of my life I remember clearly like the day I got my first job or the day I quit it, but again these are all milestone days. What I am trying to say is that there was no path led out for me to follow. Yes,  I was guided, but momentarily to clear the next checkpoint. Life lessons are very important and hard to teach and learn. Thus, I would love to share what few things I have learnt in my 25 years. 

1. Long term Vs Short term

Decisions should be made by keeping the long term goal in mind rather than the short term achievement. I have made decisions in my life which have helped me in near future but when looked at the long haul, they hurt. Each decision turns your life towards an outcome. You better make sure it is of your choice. It doesn't mean that your short term goals doesn't mean anything but it means that they should be in line with your final goal. Things that you give so much priority today may not be even on your priority list tomorrow.

2. Stop thinking start doing

I have experienced this with myself and most of my friends, we are too scared to do anything. We just keep on thinking about something and most of this brainstorming is done to justify the decision that was taken at the very first place. In my case, 90% of the times I do what I have decided spontaneously even after thinking about it for hours or days. All we are told is to think a lot before doing anything and this idea has infected all our decisions. By saying stop thinking I say stop doubting yourselves. It's like saying yes to what your heart really wants to yes to and saying it now.

3. Why before what and how.    

This lesson of life, I got it very late. I had already completed my graduation and had quit my first job when some gentleman told me the about the golden circle. Behind every decision there are three basic questions that one answers:
  • Why I want to do?
  • What I want to do?
  • How I want to do it?
But these questions are not to be answered randomly. Why is the foremost question here. Why are you doing something. If you are not able to answer this question or the answer is not what you want from it then you need to rethink. Once you have confirmed the purpose i.e the why part then you can easily cover the what and how part.

4. Be exclusive

The term means, be one of your kind. Have a look at your life and check how many others have lived the same or similar life. Do something that no one has ever done. Don't be part of the crowd, it will hurt you in the long run. Stand out. Leave behind something special. It may be unacceptable to others as there is always the fear of unknown but you will definitely feel good. Exclusivity is a rare virtue today and is thus valued. 

5. Live

Everyone of us has been nurtured by our mother in her womb for 9 months, our father has spilled his sweat to feed us. If not for yourself, live for them. When our parents see us living our life, they live theirs. By living I don't mean just breathing but making the life worth breathing. When you will look back at your life from your death bed, you won't remember the bank balance or property you collected, you will remember the people in your life, you will remember the adventures, you will remember the great time you had with your friends, you will your dreams. But, to remember all this, you will have to first live it. 

So shut you laptops and smartphones, quit your boring jobs, loose the strings and create something. Travel, read, write, paint, drink, eat, jump, fly, love, think and share.  

to be continued .......



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