I will adopt

I have thought for a long time about this blog but I couldn't find words to justify my thoughts. But, I have decided to go ahead with it anyways as the idea is more important than the expression.

The idea is, why not adopt? As simple as that. We have around 1000 registered orphanages in India with over an average 50 children in each one of them. That makes the total to be around 50.000 orphans in India and this is the number from only the registered orphanages. The unregistered or unofficial orphanages might be in another 1000s. The number of adoptions that happened in 2013-14 were only 3924 and the number is dipping each year. For stats: http://goo.gl/HAER4I

We consider children to be the gift of god but only when it's ours. That very thought is inhuman. There are hundreds of children coming to life each day and are dumped in an orphanage to suffer for the rest of their life. Orphanages in India are not financially strong to properly feed, educate or take care of each one of them. So, they expect people to adopt them. But we have completely ignored them in our busy lives. What we hardly do is as a part of CSR activity we visit an orphanage for a day, play with them, provide them food, toys and leave. But, what about the rest of their lives. All the things that we do for them in that one day, don't they deserve it each day? 

The common concept in our society is, only those who cannot reproduce, adopt a child. Isn't it nonsense?Why can't we lend a hand to give these children a beautiful life. Thus, I have decided that I will adopt. Rather than thinking of expanding my family tree, I will help some child to have a better life by giving him my name and my care. The general convention is that you and your wife/husband gives birth to a beautiful child, you raise the child, make him/her stand on his/her feet and then feel satisfied by what you have done with their lives. What if we change just the first step i.e rather than giving birth to a child, we could accept an orphan and raise him/her as our own child. This will not only change his/her life but ours too. What a sense of pride and joy it will instate in us by doing such a noble thing. 

Yes, there will be resistance to this idea, may be our wife/husband or our family will object. But, consider the number of lives we could change. We would be responsible for someone's bright future. I don't think this idea needs to be advocated, there is good in everyone's heart, we just need to follow it. I will pursue this decision and will definitely adopt as many kids as possible to my capacity. Many would say that I would be starting an orphanage, but my intentions are completely different. It's only shelter that I want to offer but love and an opportunity to live as wished. There might come some hindrances in the implementation of my decision, but the purpose is far greater than the problems. 

I would like everyone to consider the option of adoption even if you have your own child or planning to have one. There are organized systems in our country to help us with it, like CARA(www.adoptionindia.nic.in). Orphans don't deserve to be orphans in the first place, but let's start doing what can be done. 

Every little hand needs a finger to hold on to. So, adopt.



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