Things that matter (Part 2)

My plan was to write this blog right after the first part but somehow I wasn't able to deduce what things mattered to me in my life. So, I gave it some time. Tried to find out what more mattered, through observation of lives of  family, friends and even strangers. 

I would again say that these are the things that I think matter in life. It is just an opinion. A different view is not at all uncommon and is very much invited. Please feel free to express yourselves in the comment box below.

Continuing with the things that matter ...

6. Prioritizing your life

Life of a human being is very complex, varying with a lot of parameters. It is very important to understand that we cannot keep everyone happy, we cannot be best at everything, we cannot achieve everything. Thus we will have to decide whom we want to keep happy, what we what want to be best at, what we want to achieve and what not. Prioritizing is more difficult than it seems to be. The hardest part is to let go somethings over others. Greed is in the basic nature of human and thus letting go becomes a problem. 

But we have to do it. If not done we will have some fairly happy people around us, an average job, a boring routine and may be a boring life. I am not saying that prioritizing will make your life exciting but getting your prioritize straight can provide you a chance to achieve a life that excites you. 

Don't stay stuck. Let go.

7. I can be wrong

This simple statement can bring a lot of changes in our lives. Superficially we all say, we believe that we can be wrong but deep down inside we place ourselves as the smartest person in the world who takes the better  decisions than anyone else . But, you can be wrong, I can be wrong. The very acceptance that our decision can be a wrong and someone else can be right, is very rare. Believe me, this acceptance will bring more peace to you than to others.

The real deal is to be humble, not dumb but humble.

8.  Keep it light

The modern day life of a person has become a lot stressed than our predecessors. We are each day thinking about big issues and life problems. Thanks to the super fast news channels we come to know about every small wrong doing in the country on a hourly basis. A slight dip in the sensex changes the mood of whole country. We cannot change the world around us, but we can definitely filter how much it affects us. So, keep your mood light. Don't give something so much importance that it spends hours on your mind.

Generally a light humor in the approach helps a lot with the stress. In our daily routine we come across a lot of people who are stressed or nervous or having a bad time. We can put these kind of people out of their misery with a little humor, at least for some time.

Things are already pretty messed up, try to keep your heads out of it.

9. Keep an open mind, don't judge

By my view judging is the easiest job in the world. It does not obligates the judge to be right but obligates the person getting judged to match the expectations of the judge. As it is the easiest job, we all start considering ourselves one. I have observed that we spend a lot of time on judging others, which is definitely useless as it is neither changing the person we are judging or helping us in any sense. We start evaluating a person in front of us on the basis of circumstances that we consider best suits the situation which may deviate highly from the real circumstances.

Keeping an open mind is not simple. We think we have an open mind but most of the time we think within the pre defined boundaries of our thought. It takes a real effort to open up the mind to various possibilities.

Opinions are very powerful, they better be right.

10.  I am going to die

Let there be the fear of death. We are not given a lot of time by the destiny, god or whatever. We are here on temporary basis. We will soon leave this time and plane. We are going to stop existing at a certain finite point of time. May be sooner, may be later, but we are going to die. We are travelling towards the end. So, let this realization become the ultimate motivation for the life within. Let the ticking clock of your life urge you to live more every passing second. Let there be greed in you for life. Grab a bigger peace of life before it ends.

A quote from a Hindi movie to summarize, " Don't add moments to your life, add life to each moment".


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