Choice of life

Live life king size. According to me, one of the most misleading quotes. Rather than living 'the life' we spend it working to become the king. I hope you understand what I want to say here, we have got it all wrong. Dissatisfaction is the biggest enemy of this age. We are not satisfied by anything. We want more of everything and are ready to do anything for it, but we forget that while doing anything we are spending some precious time of our life which could have been the best time of our life.

There are two basic parameters to measure anything, quantity and quality. Quantity being the bulk or size of it or rather its physical features and quality being the experience of it, the amount of substance or depth anything has. Life can also be measured on these two parameters. Quantity being the physical appearance of one's life, his/her credentials, status in the society, resources at disposal,etc. and quality being the happiness in one's life, his/her relations, humor, travel, experiences, peace,etc in his/her life.

Like every other parameter these two are also linked to or proportional to something. Quantity is proportional to money or financial strength. As money grows size of everything grows like house, business, work, expenditure and also life. Yes, size of life is dependent on the resources we own but that doesn't mean that a man with lesser money will have a lesser good life. That is decided by the quality of life. Quality s proportional to the conscience of the person. The more it is evolved, the higher is the quality of life. A poor person can also lead a good life if he/she understands the concept of quality of life. But as humans, we are more inclined towards the tangible aspects of life, the things we can see or measure. Thus, we are all in a hurry to earn lots of money to make our life good, but we are forgetting that we are also spending the same life that we want to create in earning money.

Time is not money, it is more precious than money. Our time is limited on this earth and we cannot take anything with us to the grave or rather people won't let us take anything. Thus, we need to set our priorities straight in what we want achieve in this life. While on our death bed, in the last few breaths what we want our life to look like because that is what will matter and will also be the ultimate realization for us. But, we won't be able to do anything then, we must act now.

 Yes, there can also be a balance between the two choices but that's an ideal situation and you know how these ideal situations are, impossible to achieve. We can work towards the balanced life but while doing so we should not trade quality for quantity. One should stick to his/her priority and in my view a person's own happiness is the most important thing. One should not comprise on this.

Some people are workaholic, they make work there life but this doesn't mean they don't have a life. Definition of a good life will change from person to person. Most of us might even find quality in greater quantity of life. But, we must first choose and accept what is more achievable, quality or quantity. Just running the race is not important, we must finish it, we must meet the end whatever it may be. Continuous effort to reach somewhere else will not take you anywhere.

You must learn to make peace with where you are and that too before it's late, to achieve true quality of life or rather 'live a life'.


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