My birthday wish

Yesterday was my 26th birthday. So, under the modern social convention a few people wished me. A lot didn't. Some of my friends didn't even cared to call, they just posted it on my facebook wall. As, I was enjoying the least attention on my birthday, a call from a guy in the evening made my day. He just wished me a happy birthday followed by a general conversation and then hung up. I felt really good after that. That call made my not so happening birthday, special.

In the month of February this year, me and my brother visited a place in Ahmednagar district of Maharshtra. We visited a residential school 'SNEHALAYA' operated by an organization of the same name. SNEHALAYA is an organization started by Dr. Girish Kulkarni with purpose of rehabilitation of women working in red light areas(RLA) and their children. Now, SNEHALAYA has 17 active projects under it's name. They work for issues like human trafficking, aids awareness, domestic violence, child abuse, rehabilitation of prostitutes, etc. The SNEHALAYA school is one such similar project. It was started with a view to educate children saved from RLAs and those, who are suffering from aids. The school now shelters around 500 children and women. 40 of their students are going to appear in the state board exams this year. These figures are not humongous but are real and future of each and every student matters to the organization however small the progress may be.

The 17 projects of SNEHALAYA have now become an independent movement and just have financial reliance on the parent organization. SNEHALAYA gets a 20% grant from government and rest 80% from donations. Thus, they rely heavily on the support from the society. Another big support for them has been their 250 employee strength, which is selflessly working for the noble cause of uplifting the down trodden. When we visited the school, we intended to contribute in the betterment of the school, but what we saw there was shocking. There was no need of any improvement, everything was managed to the best. They didn't need volunteers. We stayed there as guests and observed the working of the organization. I must say, it was flawless. Very effectively and efficiently they managed such great work with no intention of getting credit for the work. We even attended a marriage of a couple suffering from aids, arranged by SNEHALAYA from their own funds.

We felt ashamed that we were using the resources which were intended for someone who deserved it more. Thus, we cut short our stay there and decided to leave. While leaving we donated some books and grains, we spent some time with children, watched a documentary on working of the organization, saw the functioning of most of their projects and left with respect in our mind for the organization and people running it.

So, yesterday the last thing I expected was a call from an employee of SNEHALAYA, wishing me happy birthday. I was taken aback that they noted my birthday and cared to wish me through a call. They could have sent a message, but they called. Frankly, I was expecting some talk on donations after the wishing part, but to my surprise nothing like that happen. I felt ashamed when the guy hung up the call without even mentioning donation. Yes, they need help but, they are not begging for it, they are earning it. That simple call taught me a lot and definitely made my day. What a simple and great way to connect the cause and people.

My wish is to gather support for such kind of people. You can also show your support. Visit

Some people are working selflessly for the society, we are bound to live in a better world sooner or later.


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