The Uncertain Times

Do you believe that we are living in an uncertain time? I mean, Governments and Economies around the world are going for a toss now and then, terror attacks are shocking the world every day, wars are being predicted in near future, environment is changing drastically every single year, a life changing technology is being invented every day and more such things which use to happen once in a lifetime are now happening in blink of an eye. Are we the reason behind this uncertainty?

To look at the micro level, what I feel is we have started valuing each passing second in a completely different way. The way we are trying to extract as much out of everything, the same rule is being applied to time. For example, companies in distant past might have been reporting their annual progress, then came the quarterly reports, then the weekly updates and then the daily status updates from teams. What next? Real time monitoring of growth? We are tweeting everything, posting every second, judging all the time. Hopping from one thing to the other has made us extremely volatile. Many would call it multi-tasking, I say Volatile at a macro level.

The point here is, we have done division of time to the least possible value and now we are expecting more from each of it. Everything is about make the next second bigger, better, larger and what not from the previous one. I feel, that this greed of ours has taken us on an uncertain path. We are setting the goal to take the bar of standard higher every time, which won’t allow us to settle on anything/anywhere. We don’t know what we want but won’t stop exploring. A thing of the present is very soon becoming a thing of the past. In our quest of future, our present has become highly uncertain. 

This volatility could also prove an opportunity to set things right. To choose a right leader, to invent a tool for all, to value the change or to embrace humanity. Next 10-15 years, will set us on something which we may regret or embrace for the coming century. In science, we have learnt that everything is moving towards equilibrium. I don’t know what will bring certainty to the current state of world. A person, a thing or an event. May be, we just need some time to realize and settle. May be, it will start with each passing second. 

What do you think?   


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