
Disclaimer: These are not expert opinions but work of secondary research over the internet.

'Dimag ki batti jal gayi' can be taken in literal sense, afterall our brain is an electrochemical organ whose 10 billion neurons are capable of producing upto 10 watts of charge while communicating with each other.  Neurons use electric pulse to transfer information from one part of the brain to other, so whenever neuron fires electric charge, a spike can be seen on EEG(electroencephalogram). The oscillation of spike creates brainwaves, in simple words, our brain uses brainwaves of electric charge to form communication among different parts of brain. 

Depending on the frequency and amplitude of the brainwaves, they are categorised in 5 types which are associated with different states of our mind. For example, if you are dead, frequency and amplitude of your brainwaves measured on EEG will be zero whereas if you are hyperactive, brainwaves will have high frequency and lower amplitudes. 

The lowest frequency brainwave is low infra; nothing much is known about these kind of waves as they are very hard to detect. 

Next detectable brainwaves are the Delta waves, which are associated with deep dreamless sleep. This state of brain is very important for self regeneration and healing. Kids from the age of 0 to 2 are generally in this state of brain and thus cannot stay awake for most the day. These waves are slow but high pitched. Faster than these are the Theta waves.

Theta waves are associated with dreams, deep meditation, hypnosis, etc. In this state your mind is in a world of its imagination. This state can be used for super learning and at the same time Theta waves are associated with memories, past, emotions, fear, etc. Kids of age 2 to 6 are mostly in this state and thus should be used by parents to inculcate positive traits in them.

When you are about to wake up in the morning, the first couple of minutes, the brain uses Alpha wave which are higher in frequency than Theta waves. These waves are associated with calmness, relaxation and can be achieved through mediation/focus. Day dreaming, completely lost in some thoughts, etc. is when Alpha waves are active. Kids of age 5 to 8, use these waves and can thus can have a spark of creativity as they have feet in both worlds, real and imaginary. After 8, kids start using beta waves more.

The most common wave is the Beta wave. Delta, Theta and Alpha can be called a product of subconscious mind, however, Beta waves are used when you are completely awake and aware. Most of the day, you will be using beta waves, which is further divided into three levels, Low Beta, Beta2 and Hi-Beta. High Alpha and low beta are almost overlapping, which makes low beta a state of calm and relaxation. Beta2 is the normal state and Hi-Beta is observed when you are excited or have anxiety. 

Next is Gamma, which is associated with super concentration, focus and reaction. World class athletes, musicians, geniuses are found to operate at these levels of frequencies.

With this knowledge of how brain parts communicate with each other a lot of mysteries of brain can be solved, like ADHD, epilepsy, Alzheimer's, seizures, etc. Treatments  like Neurofeedback and Brainwave entertainment leverage this knowledge to study and improve brain conditions. Every activity of the body can be associated with certain kind of wave and thus study of brainwaves can be very useful in studying humans. 

In my view, our brain is a fascinating and the least explored organ of our body.


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