
Peter was sitting on a bench, nervously tapping his right foot on the platform. The train standing in front of him started to move, but his eyes were on the telephone booth on his left. There were still a few people in the queue at the booth. He got up and started walking towards the end of the queue. A man in simple clothing walked up to him and said, 'Peter, you have to get on one of the next three trains'. Peter said,'ok. I still have three hours and three calls then, right?'. The man said, 'yes, but don't be hopeful. It is very rare for a call to connect.' The man walked away and Peter joined the queue. In about 15 mins, Peter got a chance to dial his first call. It was the first night for Sarah, she didn't pick up. Peter sadly placed the receiver back and went back to the bench. Some time passed, Peter checked his watch and looked up, the second train was about to leave. He got up and walked back to the end of the queue. After 15 mins, he dialled the same number. Second night for Sarah, she didn't pick up again. Sarah has not slept for two days now. Peter sank in sorrow. He saw the second train leave as he placed the receiver back. He had to get on the third train. He went back to the bench. By every passing minute, his anxiety grew. He was soon lost in thoughts and confusion. The next time he looked up, the third train was arriving at the station. He got up and quickly walked to the end of the queue. In 15 mins, he dialled the same number again with a tear in his eye. It rang. Third night for sarah, she was finally asleep and she picked up. Peter said anxiously,'Hi Sarah, I know you are sad but don't worry, I am fine. Everything will be fine. I know you couldn't sleep for two days but I didn't want to leave without saying goodbye to you.' Peter paused and wiped his tear. He continued, ' You should cry today but promise me, you will live tomorrow. Remember me but don't be stuck with me. I will be happy if you will be.' Peter paused again waited for Sarah's response but the call ended. It was time for Peter to get on the train. 

Sarah got up with a tear in her eye as she remembered what Peter said to her in the dream, as if he was there wih her. That afternoon, for the the first time after Peter's death, she stepped outside their home. She brought flowers to his grave and while placing them gently, she whispered, 'I will miss you, my love'. 


Deep and emotional 🙂👌👏
Priyanka said…
Beautifully Written and expressed ❤️

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