
Showing posts from 2021

Sarah & Peter - 2

Peter felt a ray of sunshine on his face. He opened his eyes. He was in his bed and besides him lay awake was Sarah. The morning ray of light was just brushing her old wrinkled cheek. He slowly turned to her side, feeling the usual stiffness in his back. She was looking at a distance, thinking of something. He took her arm in his hands and said, 'Good Morning dear'. She slowly turned her head towards him, smiled, took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Peter felt his grip easing. He left her hand and caressed her face. She has left him. He called her name softly, 'Sarah, dear?'. She did not answer.  40 years ago, Sarah left her family and moved into city to look for a job. Her family was quiet poor and Sarah has been working evry day of her adult life. It was time for her to move to the big city and try to change her fate. But, city was cruel to Sarah. For weeks, Sarah did not find better job than what she was doing at home. She was living in the worst possible places o


Peter was sitting on a bench, nervously tapping his right foot on the platform. The train standing in front of him started to move, but his eyes were on the telephone booth on his left. There were still a few people in the queue at the booth. He got up and started walking towards the end of the queue. A man in simple clothing walked up to him and said, 'Peter, you have to get on one of the next three trains'. Peter said,'ok. I still have three hours and three calls then, right?'. The man said, 'yes, but don't be hopeful. It is very rare for a call to connect.' The man walked away and Peter joined the queue. In about 15 mins, Peter got a chance to dial his first call. It was the first night for Sarah, she didn't pick up. Peter sadly placed the receiver back and went back to the bench. Some time passed, Peter checked his watch and looked up, the second train was about to leave. He got up and walked back to the end of the queue. After 15 mins, he dialled th

Moon and Ocean

At the beginning there was just an ocean and a moon. They spent days just looking at each other, admiring each other. The Moon would say, 'Ocean, you are so clear and calm', to which ocean would reply, 'it is because your of your soothing blue glare'. They loved each other. They were perfect for each other, one moon for one ocean and one ocean for one moon. But, they could never meet, just admire each other from what seemed to be an infinite distance. Days became weeks, weeks became years. Ocean started feeling lonely on Earth. She pleaded to the God, to let her meet the moon. God understood her problem but could not agree. She again pleaded and said,'I don't want to alone anymore.' God sighed and suggested a solution. Ocean thought for some time and agreed.  The next night, when moon caught a glimpse of ocean, he could not recognise her. There was another ocean on Earth with land in between them. God divided the ocean in two and the ocean was no


Disclaimer: These are not expert opinions but work of secondary research over the internet. 'Dimag ki batti jal gayi' can be taken in literal sense, afterall our brain is an electrochemical organ whose 10 billion neurons are capable of producing upto 10 watts of charge while communicating with each other.  Neurons use electric pulse to transfer information from one part of the brain to other, so whenever neuron fires electric charge, a spike can be seen on EEG(electroencephalogram). The oscillation of spike creates brainwaves, in simple words, our brain uses brainwaves of electric charge to form communication among different parts of brain.  Depending on the frequency and amplitude of the brainwaves, they are categorised in 5 types which are associated with different states of our mind. For example, if you are dead, frequency and amplitude of your brainwaves measured on EEG will be zero whereas if you are hyperactive, brainwaves will have high frequency and lower amplitudes.  T

The Tale of Seven Deaths

"Ridiculous", said Sam. "I call it the residual soul memory or the RSM", said Harry while sipping on his 4th drink of the night. The bartender chuckled and went back to wiping the glasses clean. Sam and Harry were sitting at the bar and Harry had just told Sam that this is his seventh life on Earth and he remembers all previous six lives. "I call it the 4th drink", said Sam and smiled in disbelief. "I know no one believes me, even I wouldn't believe if someone told me what I am telling you. But, it is the truth. I don't try to convince people anymore. I spent my 4th and 5th life convincing people about the RSM. Such a waste of life." said Harry ordering his 5th drink. The bartender was amused by this conversation between the two friends and so, he kept one ear on them and the other on the orders.  Harry continued, "I will tell you how I died in my 6 previous lives and if you find my stories fascinating enough, just cover my bill for