
Showing posts from 2014

I will adopt

I have thought for a long time about this blog but I couldn't find words to justify my thoughts. But, I have decided to go ahead with it anyways as the idea is more important than the expression. The idea is, why not adopt? As simple as that. We have around 1000 registered orphanages in India with over an average 50 children in each one of them. That makes the total to be around 50.000 orphans in India and this is the number from only the registered orphanages. The unregistered or unofficial orphanages might be in another 1000s. The number of adoptions that happened in 2013-14 were only 3924 and the number is dipping each year. For stats: We consider children to be the gift of god but only when it's ours. That very thought is inhuman. There are hundreds of children coming to life each day and are dumped in an orphanage to suffer for the rest of their life. Orphanages in India are not financially strong to properly feed, educate or take care of each one of

Things that matter (Part 1)

This blog is about the things that I think matter in life. My opinion is personal and is based on the 25 years of experience of my life. Contradiction in opinions will be there, please share your thoughts in the comment box below. On my 25th birthday I didn't celebrate much. For most of time of the day I was thinking about the past 25 years and how my life has swirled here and there. All I could remember were the checkpoints like my school, my graduation days, my working days. All blurred, nothing specific. Yes, some days of my life I remember clearly like the day I got my first job or the day I quit it, but again these are all milestone days. What I am trying to say is that there was no path led out for me to follow. Yes,  I was guided, but momentarily to clear the next checkpoint. Life lessons are very important and hard to teach and learn. Thus, I would love to share what few things I have learnt in my 25 years.  1. Long term Vs Short term Decisions should be made by keeping

Role of an Entrepreneur

Mobile apps and websites are the leading types of new enterprise being established in today's world. A company gets big just by launching a super effective mobile app or by developing a service website that appeals to a million customers. Most of these apps and websites are luxury services. Luxury in a sense that they aim to make your life simple and less hardworking. Thus people are making money by making others lazy or technology dependent. Yes, life should be simple and easy. But people are getting obsessed with this idea are forgetting some real problems.  The main role of an entrepreneur is problem solving. An entrepreneur is supposed to disrupt the society for it's betterment. His/her role is not only economical but societal. As rightly said by one of my friends, the future of India will be decided by the generation of entrepreneurs it will produce now. I am not saying that we were lacking in the entrepreneurial sense, but we are lacking in the spirit. All we are tr


I know the title is a little techie but the concept is really simple. Before getting to the concept I would like to share my thoughts about what I have observed around me and how this concept came to my mind through that. Our world is full of inequalities, some deliberate and some forced on it. A rich guy lives in a house with 40 bedrooms and some families don't even have a 40 sq.ft. room for themselves. During rains some guy enjoys the newspaper in a BMW driven by a chauffeur, who is worried about the leak in the roof of his house. 50rs means a burger in McD for somebody and rice for a whole week, for someone else. This inequality is not unfair but is cruel. The simple rule of our world is 'Survival of the fittest'. When we think about it, it's all about the resources that are available to us. Resources can be financial, physical or human. Some people enjoy larger amount of resources than other people. If these resource were equally available then this world woul

Politics as a career option

I know. The title itself raises some questions. Politics is not a career. It's a service. Right? How many of us think so? Let's be practical, It is a career and it is may be one of the highest paying line of work in India. If that is true then why such a huge amount of teenagers are studying to be engineers and doctors when the jobs they are going to get into won't even have a fraction of the pay scale that politics will give them? Not only money but the powers and perks a politician has are more than corporate giant. A politician is not only the one you vote for. If we count the number the employees currently employed in Indian politics, it may come into the top 3 employers in India. There are many levels of politicians, starting right from our neighborhood, going up to the big chair in New Delhi. As the level increases, the pay scale increases. It works similar to any corporate firm. Managers can easily relate to politicians. May be that's why I am writing this blog.

3 Challenges for NextGen India

Our PM, Mr. Narendra Modi gave the Independence day speech from The Red Fort. He spoke about women empowerment, Poverty, make in India and many other issues. The focus was on macro level strategies to be implemented for a better future. Such kind of strategy is his responsibility . But we are facing some issues on a very micro level which is deteriorating the strength of our nation. These issues today may seem very minute or manageable, but after a few decades they may take a gigantic piece out of our strength and development. There is something very wrong going on at a very micro level i.e. individual level. These I have termed as the challenges that may come in front of the NextGen India i.e. India in 2020-2030. There are many such issues but we will discuss only 3.  1. Brain Drain : The term is not new. Brain drain is the phenomenon to human capital's movement from it's home country to foreign country in search of better education, job opportunity or some other reason. So,

The small city

Most of us think that India is divided in two parts, rural and urban, but it is much more complex than that. There are various levels between a village and a city. A city is generally which provides it's residents with all the facilities needed to lead a desired life. These facilities are not only infrastructural or tangible provisions but are also supporting measures like job opportunities, healthcare facilities, schooling options for kids, better recreational options, etc. It is very easy for a big city guy to ignore this things but when a village or small city friend visits him, these are the things that light up his eyes.  Now, what is a small city? What I feel about small cities is, they are like a student who is average in studies. He is loaded with expectations of getting into the topper's group and at the same time has the pressure of sliding into the lower class. I know the comparison is a little unorthodox but for an average student like me, it is perfect. Getti

My e-Zest story

Every MBA course has a 2 or more months of industrial intern-ship embedded in it or at least mine was. This is the sole reason why I came in contact with e-Zest Solutions. The whole intern-ship thing started to take shape during the early summer of this year i.e 2014. Intern-ship is generally not taken that seriously and is just a matter of the completion certificate for few, but I was very much interested in the whole experience. The first interview that I gave was of KPIT and I was not selected. Somewhere at the back of my mind I decided that I needed to go in an IT company for the intern-ship.So, the next company I applied for was e-Zest Solutions Ltd. Frankly speaking, I had never heard of the company but as long as it was Pune and IT, I was fine.4 people were called for the interview and I alone got selected. There was no actual celebration but I was happy. The intern-ship started on June 2nd. Not much happened on the first day. But second day on wards it was a roller coaster. I

Mistakes. We should make some

We live in a world of perfection. A world where perfection is worshiped, desired, praised. No one wants to fail or commit smallest of mistakes. Student want to achieve the highest grade, employees want to grab the highest incentives, parents want there children to ace in exams and at the same time want them to be good at sports. Everyone wants to do the right thing, at the right time, at the right place in the perfect manner. No one wants to fail or rather no one wants to be wrong. So why we feel so? The answer lies in the core reason behind all our actions, 'What the world will think of us?' We don't want to be seen as a failure or looser. We are ready to do anything to avoid one bad thing said about us or to achieve the so called perfection. Another reason could be, we don't want to be different. Those who are different are talked about, criticized. not supported, looked at differently. We don't want a crowd to stare at us or to talk about us, right. We live for

Luxury of criticism

Criticism is generally of two types, positive and negative. But this definition is only limited to the way it is intended. The effect though of any criticism is almost the same in both cases, which is sadness, feeling low, depression, some might even feel agitated, even rage at some extent. Criticism normally puts the criticized off balance. This shows that criticism might not hold great value for the criticizer but effects immensely to the criticized, however small the criticism might be. Thus, we can call criticism as a luxury for the criticizer where a very little prize is paid by him/her. I am calling it a luxury for one more reason; the act of criticism is enjoyed by most of the critics. The authority to criticize generally gives them a sense of power over the criticized. The point I want to make here is the current ratio of appreciations to criticism around the world is dropping at a very huge rate. Let’s not get into the state where the criticism will be done, just for the p

Business Brilliance

The business world has evolved significantly over the past decade and will be changing more rapidly over the coming decades. Methods are getting obsolete with each passing second. Successors come in even before the product settles down in the market. PLC is in its shortest possible version. Product come and go, some processes are no longer required, companies are starting and shutting down like nothing, services provided yesterday have become obsolete today. The whole business scenario has become so dynamic that it cannot be controlled or defined over a limited number of parameters. To handle this dynamics the organization must have good business intelligence at their hand. One of the terms that have been very common in the IT world for the past decade is ‘Business Intelligence’. The term means the process which transforms raw data into meaningful and useful information for business purposes. Business intelligence is basically a tool used by organizations for analyzing business situati

Organized Auto sector

Lately we have been hearing a lot about organized retail sector. But what does the word organized adds to the sector. Retail sector has been there from a very of  why this sudden need of organization? The dictionary meaning of organized is 'arranged according to a system or rules'. Before organization, retail could be called as a business but after organization it has become a sector. Organization has been a revolution for retail. The potential of retail was huge but by organization it has now got a structure. Today on the biggest companies on this planet are of retail. So, how this example of retail can help the automobile sector. The auto sector currently is highly unorganized and fragmented. Lets understand this in a simple way. When someone wants to purchase a car or bike he/she has to visit different showrooms of different brands before finally making a choice. Same is the case with maintenance of the vehicle. Unless you want comprise with quality of service and spare par

Comfort zone

Comfort zone, an area of activity in which a person is comfortable. As the definition says, it is definitely the area in which everyone will like to be in. But, don't not have every speaker and almost every write urges on getting out of the comfort. Why would anyone want to be an uncomfortable zone.Who likes to be putted off and tested every moment. Getting out comfort zone has became such a big deal that being in your comfort zone feels like a crime. Last week was very memorable for most of my college mates. We had a very important presentation to be presented in front of whom you can call the most criticizing professor on the face this earth. The whole college was preparing for these presentations for over a week. But, even after preparing for nights & days, at the time of presentation each one of us was put off and out their comfort zone due to the reputation of the professor. Not just the presentation but even while preparing the presentation we were under a lot of pressu

The 3rs Ice Cream

A week before, I was invited by a very good friend of mine to his hometown. He had started an Ice Cream Company in his hometown where he produced as well as sold the Ice cream through a shop attached to the production facility. As I am a MBA marketing student, the friend asked me to help him in marketing the Ice Cream. I was more than happy to help as it was a great learning opportunity for me given the first hand experience.                   First we started preparing for the inauguration of the shop which was scheduled in the evening. A lot of work was done like setting up the shop, flex printing, arrangements for guests, arranging waiters for the inauguration, etc. Once these things were done we started for the marketing trip we were thinking of. The basic objective of the trip was to cover few  villages around and getting some orders for the ice cream. In the hot sunny day we reached the first village which was around 20km away. There we first met with a travel cum ice cream d